The next Chatti sharif day falls on:
6th, Safar , 1438 Hijri ,
This approx on: Sunday 6th November 2016
(Depending on Lunar date of your country).
On every sixth of Lunar Month in Ajmer Sharif, the famous and highly inspiring programmes of Fathia-e- Chatti Sharif (Tribute/ Commemoration Prayer for Hz. Khwaja Gharib Nawaz (R.A) is celebrated within Ahata-e-Noor in front of Begami Dalan (A specific demise at the shrine in Ajmer Sharif.
Those who attend this function realise its solemnity and sanctity and also the benefit which they receive. This program which has its own blessings starts from about 8.30 Am in the morning and continues for about an hour without any programme of Qawwali.
The programme beings with recitation of Quran proceeded with recitation of Shijra (Spiritual genealogy of Khwaja Sahib) and then with ‘Salaam’ and ends with Fathia.
prayers are offered for the well being of the devotees ,faithful & all mankind all over the world.
If you, or your loved one’s are intending to come to Ajmer Sharif for Ziarat (Pilgrimage) then please contact us on the details below, so we can assist you in every way we can, to make your Pilgrimage swift, peaceful, effective, blessed & prosperous!
If you would like to take part by making an offering for Fathia, Nazar-o-Niaz, Qurbani,or Gyarmee ,Chattie fathia sharif or you would like to take part in Urs of Wali-Allah’s (All Sufi Saint’s from all Silsila’s); you can send your heartily offerings & donations direct to us safely now! or in the future.
Also in the Mosque inside Darbar Sharif we can arrange for Dua-e -karima, khatam-e- khwajgan, Dua-e-Shifa,Ayate karima and similar dua’s on your behalf . We can arrange for food to be made in Big deg & Small deg at Darbar .
We can also arrange on your behalf flowers for Mazar Sharif of Hazrat Moiuddin Chishty(R.A) and Chadder (Shrowd) for Mazar Sharif or present Sandal wood in Mazar Sharif. Also we can arrange for lungar (Feeding) the poor people. Also arrangements can be made for Haqiqa and Bismillah Sharif. The Ajmer Sharif Dargah Administration also organise marriages for poor people as well as Education “Taleem”. The Darbar Sharif arranges for all poor tourist in Ajmer sharif , lodging boarding, Transportation and food, clothes for people. Also provided are tickets for railway & bus and other expenditure while at Darbar Ajmer Sharif. Since they are treated as the Guest’s of Hazrat Khwaja Moinuddin Chishty (R.A).
You can send hour heartily offerings & donations direct to us safely via Western Union or Money Gram money Transfer. now! or in the future,
please contact: Peer Sahib on :
0091 982 917 2652 or
0091 982 8888 199 or
0091 982 810 4707
0091 978 364 6668
Email: ajmerkhwaja@yahoo.com or khwajazafarchishty@gmail.com or
Alternatively you can visit our website:
Blog: https://khwajagharibnawaz.org
For people in the UK or Western World you can deposit your Offerings & donations to us safely in the following account:
Account Name:
Halifax Town Centre, branch.
For further information on work for Humanity & Charitable causes administered by Ajmer Sharif please visit link below:
Humanity and Charitable causes