Approx :Friday 23rd November 2018
On 14th Rabi-Al-Awwal 1440 Hijri
(Depending on Lunar date of your country).
Khawaja Qutub-ud-din Bakhtiyar Kaki Rehmatullah-alaihi was the chief Khalifa of Hazrat Khawaja Moinuddin Chisti. He was born in 1111AD or 569 Hijri at Aush in Iraq.
Khawaja Qutubuddeen Bakhtiyar Kaki (R.A) was a great devotee and mystic. He had no parallel in abandoning the world and facing poverty and hunger. He kept himself engrossed in the remembrance of Allah. Whenever someone came to him he would show his inability to continue any longer and slipped into the same state again.
Hazrat Khawaja Bakhtiyar Kaki (May mercy of Allah be upon him) was one and half year old that his father passed away. Khawaja Qutubuddeen Bakhtiyar Kaki learned 15 chapters of the Holy Quraan from his mother and his mother arranged for him further education and training. Once he wanted to be a part of Mehfil e Samaa however was not allowed in as he seemed to be young in age and didn’t have a beard. Hazrat Khawaja Qutubuddeen Bakhtiyar Kaki Ra. was very fond of Mehfil e Samaa so he rubbed his face and a beard appeared and he was let in. When Khawaja Qutubuddeen Bakhtiyar Kaki was 4 years and 4 months of age he requested his mother that he wanted to study the Holy Quraan under a learned person. His Mother sent him along with a Slate and sweets to an Aalim in the locality. On the way he met a Divine personality, Khawaja Qutubuddeen Bakhtiyar Kaaki offered Salaam and was asked as to where he was off to. Khawaja Qutubuddeen Bakhtiyar Kaki replied that his mother has sent him to the local Aalim to learn the Holy Quraan. The revered person asked Khawaja Qutubuddeen Bakhtiyar Kaki to come along with him and he would be taught the Holy Quraan. He came to a mosque where he saw a few children learning the holy Quraan from Maulana Abu Hafz; he stood up as he noticed the revered person who told him to teach Khawaja Qutubuddeen Bakhtiyar Kaki the holy Quraan. Later Maulana Abu Hafz disclosed to Khawaja Qutubuddeen Bakhtiyar Kaaki that the person who left him there was none other than Hazrat Khawaja Khizar Alaihisalaam.
When Hazrat Khawaja Mueen-ud-deen Chisti came to Isphahan he took oath of allegiance on his hands and got caliphate and khirqah (dress of a religious mendicant) from him. Thereafter his master asked him to go to India and stay there. Following this order he came to Delhi and stayed there. It was the period of Sultan Shamsuddin Altamash.
Inside view of the Tomb of Hzrt Sahib.
For more information on
Hazrat Khawaja Bakhtiyar Kaaki (R.A) Please follow link below:…
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