Hazrat Khwaja Peer Syed Zafar Chishty -Chief Moallim and Gaddi Nashin of Ajmer Sharif Dargah will be arriving in USA, On Sunday 16th July 2017 Their personal number in the Country will be provided soon.Please contact their personal number in India 0091 982 8111 592 This number is What’s-app enabled.
Email: khwajazafarchishty@gmail.com
Website: http://www.ajmerkhwaja.com
Peer sahib provide Spiritual treatment for Negative Spiritual Possessions, Depression, Body Pain-Joint Pain,Pray for success for the Unemployed,Stress,Devil Extraction, Success in Litigation cases,Pray for success in finding suitable Life Partner,Remedy for any unexplained Medical ailment,Anger Management,Remedy for Negative Personality, Success in Exams: Educational,Driving or any other Exam or test. Sleeping Disorder’s,Sleep walking, Nightmares,Children Behaviour Problems. Childless Woman,Skin Disorders,Pimples. Addictions,such as: Drug abuse,Alcoholics,Obesity etc…etc.. Basically any ailment that is considered unexplained by modern Medicine can achieve successful results, through prayer,Faith Healing – Sufi Healing!…
…..Insh-Allah! (God Willing!)
…..Insh-Allah! (God Willing!)