8th Jumada al-Thani 1438 Hijri which is on Tuesday 7th March 2017.
Khwaja sahib were born in Sanjar, they were & still are a blessing to all mankind. They were the Prophets Ambassador for South Asia. They propagated teachings of Humanity, Respect & love to all regardless of any discrimination. They spread the divine holiness message of the final prophet. Khwaja sahib rid Evil & freed the oppressed.
Up till this day khwaja Sahib’s dargah attracts Millions to his resting demise , The Ajmer Sharif Dargah which gives a sense of peace & faith to those seeking Blessings,Recovery & Happiness in their lives..
So we would like all to rejoice with us on this special day in celebrating the Birthday of Khwaja Gharib Nawaz (R.A).