- You can now obtain free Tabarukaat (Blessed Gifts) from Ajmer Sharif Dargah. This will be posted by mail to you free! of any charge any where in the world!
- Tabarukaat such as : Darbari finger rings, Darbari Photo prayer beads (Tasbi),Darbari Rose leaves & sweets (Shirni), Incense sticks, Darbari Blessed string…etc..etc.
- Taweez (Talisman) for Shop premises protection, profit & prosperity. Taweez for Home Protection and Prosperity.
- All types of Taweez can be obtained from us free of any charge. These are posted all over the world direct to your given address.
- All spiritual treatment is resolved directly through the Dargah of Khwaja Gharib Nawaz (R.A). So phone us NOW! to resolve your ailment and sufferings! Many people come to the Dargah to rid ailments. Others get treated sat at home through our spiritual healing methods. People of all faiths take advantage of this free spiritual healing !
So why are you depriving your self? Contact us NOW!!!
For Tabarukaat please email your request with your full postal details to : ajmerkhwaja@yahoo.com
Yours Prayerful
Haji peer Syed Farough Ahmed Chishty Nazi
Chief Moallim & Gaddi Nashin
Ajmer Sharif Dargah
Tel 0091 982 917 2652
Or 0091 982 8888 199
Email: ajmerkhwaja@yahoo.com