29th Rabi’al-Thani/Rabi ul Akhir 1440
Approx :Sunday 6th January 2019
(Depending on Lunar date of your country).
Nagaur, Rajasthan-India
Hazrat Khwaja Hamid-ud-din Nagauri (R.A), are one of the prominent Khalifa of Hazrat Khwaja Gharib Nawaz (R.A). If you see the pics properly one tree is covering the entire Mazaar (Shrine) this is a live karamat of Hazrat.
Hazrat Sahib’s title is Sultan-ut-Tarekeen,whereas his nickname is Abu Muhammad. He is among the descendants of Hazrat Said bin Zaid, a companion of the Holy Prophet Muhammad. He was a perfect Dervesh, possessing high spiritual attainment, and a spiritual guide of high rank . He used to live in the village named Sawali(Which is now called Phagli).
He lived up to the age of 104 years and died in the years 672 A.H. Hazrat sahib lie buried in Nagore in RAJASTHAN,INDIA
Their annual Urs is celebrated on 29th,Rabi’al-Thani/Rabi ul Akhir.